By: Kitty Choudhary.
“Passing the day under the creator’s shadow, closing the eyes with the echoes in our dreams…. all has now frowned away.”
We all have heard end number of tails all about the easy & simple way of approaching academics and grabbing a satisfactory job. But the present era of competition which is undoubtedly created by human mind spines only, has wrapped the world under consciousness of success. We all are blindly running in the race of pedagogical attacks. Unknowingly the domain of our interest, one should not always follow the lead, make your own lead and let others follow it. The man famous for his dreams ‘Sheikhchilli’ was no way the smaller personality. He had great vision; he had good brain and innate creativity. And to earn a respective position and win over the dreams, these threesome qualities are enough. As it is foresight, hard work as well as dogged determination which make our dreams comes true.
Title line ‘Champions aren’t made in gyms’; they are made from something they have deep inside them---- a desire, a dream and a vision. They have to have last minute stamina, they have to be little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.
Since the time has triggered its unprecedented demand for qualified professionals and nipped with interpersonal and leadership attributes, it has become very necessary to aspire the competitive spirit. A very well said thought- A key which is frequently used remains clean, while a key which is not used gets rusty very soon. Hence to get the maximum out of life one should be active all the time. In the present times it has become really necessary to have the panache to cope with the mushrooming demands of corporate sector. Above all if we gain mastery over inertia and distractions with firm will power it becomes our habit and then we can find ourselves winning the most unacceptable war.