Its Finally Time to gear up your toes and thump the roads as chandigarh administration has given a nod for the city to have its very first Marathon on 31st of this month.Starting in morning from the serene atmosphere of Uttara Marg at Rock Garden this epic event is bound to give a boost to Chandigarh’s tourism sector.The humming of birds at break of dawn,the cool breeze, wide open roads ,colourful flowers,trees are bound to leave everyone mesmerized with their charms. Many well renowned celebrities like Milkha Singh,Kapil Dev, Yuvraj singh,Gul Panag are also expected to jog along with the city dwellers and a lucrative cash prize of 1.50 lakh has already been announced for the winner.
The word Marathon is believed to come from the legend of Pheidippides,a Greek soldier, who was sent from the town of Marathon to Athens to announce that the Persians had been miraculously defeated in the Battle of marathon in which the heavily outnumbered Athenian army defeated the persians. It is said that he ran the entire distance without stopping, but moments after proclaiming his message ""We were victorious!"to the city, he collapsed dead from exhaustion.
The “Chandigarh Marathon-2010” will cover a distance of 42.195 kms.The Marathon will be organized in three parts:- 5km-marathon,half-marathon & Full-marathon. Winners of Full-marathon & half-marathon will be awarded cash prize of 1,50,000 & 75,000 respectively. The course is flat. Cold & well supported .The Full Marathon will remain open for 6:30 hours from 6:00 am with Sports Drinks, Water, Ambulance Care and the Chandigarh Traffic Police support. The administration has also invited various professional bands and artists from north zone cultural center to perform on the route.
Chandigarh Marathon-2010” will offer everyone with a thrill of a lifetime. For many fitness freaks it would be a chance to test their fitness levels, A chance for friends and families to cheer their loved ones, chance to make new friends and for some an opportunity to know there city better . As thousands of people are expected to take part running 42 kms will require a high fitness level and for those with their eyes on the cash prize its time to start training well before this mega event. Here are a few tips for everyone to overwhelm this grueling task.
For Training:-
1)As most of us are no used to running such long distances first thing would be to gain confidence by running short distances for starters. Plan your schedule in such a manner that your run short distances like 2kms,4kms,6kms on week days and long runs like 12kms,14 kms on weekends. Then slowly start building by running longer runs.
2) A proper diet is crucial for training. Be sure to eat a lot of carbohydrates- especially those rich in complex carbs and vitamins. Low-fat diets work best, although studies have shown that fat in a runner’s diet is essential for stores when all of the carb power has run out. Fluids are essential, especially in the last days before a race.
3) Running alone can be very boring. Try to get a partner for yourself or listen to music while running. This would make the experience all the more entertaining.
4) Build yourself mentally. Running a marathon needs a lot of mental preparation. When Your legs are exhausted and your energy stores are gone. You need the mental abilities to conquer the pain. Think about the finish line. Take things slowly. Think positively and that this pain is temporary.
5) Lastly, it is very important to have fun and enjoy the activity. You just cannot improve your performance if you do not like doing it.
For Running:-
1) Stretch your muscles at the start of marathon. This would help bring in flexibility to your body. Concentrate stretching around the leg region, including the calves, hamstrings, quads and feet.
2) Wear comfortable clothes on the race day. Get synthetic socks; instead of cotton ones, to avoid blisters. These socks also help to keep your feet cool, despite profuse sweating. Get a comfortable pair of running shoes.
3) As for food, the best bet would be to eat three hours before the start. Binge on foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta, bagels and bananas. This would help you restore the body's glycogen levels.
4) Keep you body hydrated. Water holds the key for enhancing the performance of the body and restoring the energy levels.
5) Take appropriate rest after the marathon. Icing sore areas and keeping feet elevated will help to relieving pain and swelling.
Wishing you all luck, I hope this turns out to be a fun and cheerful event for everyone. In the end Run safe and Run to win. Bona Fortuna!!!!