By: Kitty Choudhary
One thought shared online is adequate to transpire your feelings and emotions to the heart of your friends. In the late hours of night i find myself playing ping pong on IM, facebook, orkut, Myspace and the list goes on… The excitement to know what’s happening among friends, Just dropping in and saying a little Hi to old pals, sharing my joys and sorrows and even wasting some time on all those applications keeps me awake through the night. Addiction of these sites is reminiscent to those of drugs, however drugs seems to be phenomena of the the past. Such tranquilizing these social networking sites have become that everybody, young or old seems to be infatuated by them.
People widely use Facebook and twitter, the two of the most famous networking sites to share their personal life details, day to day experiences and link up with friends. So many times i wonder, who created these sites? What was the need for it? Have such sites ever proved beneficial to us? What are the implications of such sites on our society ? and what is even the need of saying ordinary things on a website? For e.g.; its raining! I’m happy! I m frustrated! I m going to sleep ! I feel like crying, I miss you,I am in love! Blah Blah!! Ooooff do people even care? Does anyone care if you got stuck in your washroom without water and later came online and post is on your page, its a bit funny but what’s the need to tell this to the whole world. I fail to understand that when the info isn’t useful then what’s the fun of publicizing it.
Well however insane it might look, the truth is in modern times, we living a very fast paced life. The recreation time has decreased so much, people turn to these sites to get away from their lives. A friend whose house might be 20 min drive is just one click away on your pc. The Applications, games, contest; groups these sites offer are very lucrative.
These sites are an easy ways of finding like minded people from all across the globe, A small way of getting to know the world beyond one’s physical reach. Here is a brief look into these sites. This networking epidemic rooted from friendster, the first networking site to go online in march, 2003 created by Jonathan Abrams. Then same year in august four e-universe employees created myspace, other year Mark Zuckerbag, 25year old CEO of FB who launched it. Orkut in Feb,2004 by a Turkish born google employee.
Flipping the other side of the coin, however friendly these sites may seem their are always a few rough edges around. As per a survey, it was reported that Indians are more open with strangers than Americans. They are more proactive in using orkut rather than Facebook which is not much secured. Emails, phone numbers and pics everything is usually shared, however a few of these have now started to take some initiative to make the whole affair more private. From time to time these sites have been in news for fake profiles, inappropriate content, pics and even encouraging racialism. These days a trend of stealing information infecting Trojans and viruses through applications offered by these sites is also on rise. Even though these sites extend all kinds of support to its user but most of times is untimely. Updates comes only after the flaws have already been exploited
These sites provide a good platform for liberation of ones thoughts, to learn from everybody’s experiences and to stay connected for free, just create an account and you are good to go...
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